Moth to Flame loves commercials

 Commercial Filming by Moth to Flame….


Most people dislike commercials. They are seen as annoying interruptions between your favorite shows and a way of “selling out.” It is not surprise considering most commercials are terrible. The problem is traditional commercials do not do a good job telling a story in a way that compels us to connect emotionally.


But why do people watch the Super Bowl just to watch the commercials? Because commercials can tell stories and there are companies out there that are doing so. We at Moth to Flame believe that ALL commercials should tell a story and we want to work with companies that want to make this happen.


Commercials Should Tell A Story…

Perhaps I am biased because when I started making films, my first project in filmmaking was a commercial to promote science fiction books. The commercial opens with a boy (which happens to be my little brother) who falls asleep after reading a boring science textbook. While sleeping, his textbook is swapped out with a science fiction book by the book fairy (me). The boy awakens and after reading the science fiction book in 2 seconds, he dances off the screen in elation to the Macarena. Super cheesy, but hey I made this in elementary school), and it tells a story.


Note: Filmed entirely on VHS… and nobody can see this, but I will take bribes.


Commercials We Love…

Here is a list of our favorite commercials (in no particular order). We feel these commercials have done a superb job telling a story and in turn connecting with us emotionally.












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