Moth to Flame New Year Resolutions

Moth to Flame Resolutions: Jason and James

Jason Cates'(Social Media/BTS/Set Sound) Resolutions

1. Make at least one original short film

Last year began with a rather lengthy stint being a background extra on Revolution. Then going out to Shreveport to run sound for A Bird’s Nest. After that I ran sound on a few more productions, and also managed to film a little project of my own. That project however was silent, and this year I would actually like to film something with sound. I’d also like to use my own music instead of using a recording. First things first though, I need to get something written worth filming.

2. Get comfortable with flash photography

Something I haven’t put much effort into is flash photography. I actually got a flash add on for my camera about a year ago, but have yet to use it. While using natural lighting is awesome, it’s hard to do that when the sun is down. On the set of Funemployment there were a few times where I’d wish I’d known how to use flash properly, even though at the time I only had the on-camera flash. Knowing how to use it would have came in handy, not that I didn’t get some awesome night shoots when we were wandering around Sixth Street. So I plan to start learning how to utilize flash in appropriate situations so I can take even more awesome shots even when lighting is low.

3. Learn more about set sound recording

This past year I worked on five sets running sound, and noticed that while I had learned a bit, there was still plenty more to learn. Be nice if all it was amounted to putting on headphones and hitting record. Not even close to the case. One thing I’ve noticed is that I probably need to have a little talk with the director and DP as to how they want unwanted noise interruptions handled. While most sets work about the same, how things are handled aren’t always similar. A better mixer/preamp also might be in order to run sound better on set, which will be a bit of investment, but help a lot.

4. Put my film cameras to use

Most of the money I earned walking on Revolution went to vintage film cameras. I however neglected them after testing them to see if they worked properly or not. While they aren’t in tip top shape, they do create pretty great photos. This year I plan to try and use them more often, instead of letting them hide out in a suitcase I keep them in.

James Crouch’s(editor) Resolutions

1. I want to learn Avid because it is a requirement for an internship in LA, The American Cinema Editors internship. I am going to pursue that when I graduate from St. Edward’s.

2. I want to become a better editor because I want to be the best.

3. And I want to help Moth to Flame continue to grow because just in the last year I have seen so many great projects come to life and want to be a part of the many to come.

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