Moth to Flame on Two Roads set with lead actor Adam Duncan and actress Georgia Rose Bell

Film Festivals – Preparing Two Roads

It’s been crazy crunch time for Moth to Flame as we rush to the finish line with “Two Roads,” our new short for film festivals such as the Louisiana Film Prize This year has been a bit more hectic in terms of post-production scheduling, because each team member has continued to take on bigger and better projects and we collectively have more projects to juggle on top of this one. In addition, we have two cuts of our film this year (instead of one, like last year’s A Bird’s Nest)… a 15-minute cut for the actual Louisiana Film Prize itself and also a much longer 20 minute version for other film festivals.

We agree as a team that the 20 minute version is much better, because it allows for the breathing room to develop the characters emotionally, but rules are rules and the Louisiana Film Prize as well as most film festivals have a 15 minute cut off.

So far, we have submitted “Two Roads” to the Louisiana Film Prize and the Austin Film Festival. There will be much more to come since most of the deadlines seem to be on July 15. Yay…

In addition to finishing up post-production and having meeting after meeting with music, sound, and coloring… we’ve also been participating in a secret project (to be released after August 1) for a client in Houston. Many of the team members have been driving to Houston every Friday for filming. We are very excited to reveal this project soon.

Most of our projects are in post-production right now, which unfortunately means we do not really have anything exciting to show. It never ceases to amaze me how much time it takes to make a great film/video. I had this discussion with a friend recently that good editing or good coloring, or good post-production in general means that the audience should not notice it. Consequently because the audience doesn’t notice good post-production work, most people have no clue all the work that has to go into it. Filmmaking woes.

That’s it for now! Keep following. Keep sharing. We are going to hit you with a bunch of awesomeness soon as our projects slowly come out of post-production into final completion.

Be sure to check out the pages for Two Roads and A Bird’s Nest.

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