Day 10 (The Power to Change a World) Last day together as a group in Mumbai. Many of us are splitting off to go to other locations within India or other countries (Goa, Nepal, Carola, and Paris). However, Paul and I decided to stay in Mumbai to meet the parents and friends of our dear friend Suma.   Our final two group stops: Leela Hotels (real estate) and Lend-a-Hand. For once, I made the early morning meeting time of 8:30 am. Except I didn’t, as Doggett wanted to transfer footage because he was leaving later in the afternoon. So technically,…

Day 7 (Cows and Bars) After spending the majority of our schedule yesterday at Amul Dairy, our tourist agenda got pushed to today. We started off the day at the Adalaj Step Well after breakfast (Caroline and I arrived on time finally thanks to a relatively new service: The Wake-Up Call)   Tangent #1: Steph, Marian, Paul, and I researched Ahmedabad for class, and our presentation featured the Adalaj Step Well. Instead of creating a horribly boring PowerPoint (how dull, but no offense), our team decided to focus on a more creative and more visually appealing way to present our...

One of Moth to Flame's favorite McCombs' events is the annual International Night event at UT McCombs. The event was documented by Christine Chen and Praveen Katta. Footage edited by Kelsey Parks. International Night is an event that I look forward to every year as a MBA student at McCombs. It's a beautiful celebration of some of McCombs' student diversity. There is food, dance, and colors. My favorite part is the food, of course. This year, I participated in two of the booths (India and Africa) as a dancer. I figured, when am I going to be able to wear...

After the success of Gettin’ My MBA, I wanted to make a video that would include as many of my MBA classmates as possible. What better way than to showcase all the different student organized organizations at McCombs? Here is a compilation of the clubs that were able to donate their time and be a part of the film. Great work everyone.

Professor Stephen Magee is a world famous economics professor. Though he has met the likes of Fidel Castro, the world has yet to see him dance… until now. University of Texas McCombs Class of 2012 teaches Professor Magee how to Dougie. Release Date: November 10, 2010