08 Apr A Desk A Day: Kellie’s workspace overview
AAAAAhhhhh…….my workspace.
Seeing someone’s desk in my mind is akin to seeing the inside of the trunk of a car; unique to each owner.
Here are the highlights of mine. Mac desktop, calendar, notebook, lamp, and whatever I’m working on at the time. I like to keep my desk pretty clean and neat, just makes me work better.
There’s the spider I created for the Valentine’s Day animation laying next to my keyboard. I want to frame him because he turned out so well but have yet to buy a tiny frame. His legs pop off pretty easily too so I can’t move him too much.
My go-to notebook, and if you can’t tell, I like lists (sometimes with important colors). I have a multitude of sharpies at arms’ reach because….Well just because. And a tiny velvet Victorian table runner that sits under my keyboard or notebook to make a person feel fancy.
Oh and here’s a bonus photo of my doggie surfing the interwebs.
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