Dear Team Funemployment,   Some of you out there may be aware about how my brain works, especially those who are unfortunate to have me as a their crazy filmmaker friend. As you know, I constantly see the world as one big movie or TV episode. What I mean by this is I literally see events in my life play out like a big film set (complete with someone yelling action and cut, I kid you not).   To give you an example, when someone said something definitive like, you will never raise that kind of money through Kickstarter, I…

Thank you to all of the people who stopped by the Moth to Flame SXSW 2014 party. On the theme of our movie, Funemployment, we celebrated Austin startups by inviting some awesome sponsors to our party. Here are some great pictures from the event if you missed out! Make sure to be there again next year.   Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

We hope everyone is stoked for our 2nd SXSW Moth to Flame party, happening at the Geisha Room on Congress, in the heart of downtown. We brought in over 500 people the first time with no music… now we have a special line up of music for our fans to enjoy, including free drinks, free coffee, free food, and free swag from our sponsors. Spread the word and remember to tag #SXSWMTF #areyoufunemployed   The first part of the party will be a networking event for any startups attending SXSW (so bring your business cards). In addition, we will be…

Who could have ever thought ping pong paddles could be an extension of a person's passion and style? Uberpong has come to revolutionize the game of table tennis. This fast growing company  creates designer and custom ping pong paddles. Uberpong was launched in November 2012 and has since garnered recognition from various business news and lifestyle. Their dynamic team has fostered a competitive and productive work environment. David Lowe, the founder of Uberpong talks about what it is like to be an entrepreneur.  What is the startup story for your company? Its was the end of the workday on a Friday...

One of the neatest places Moth to Flame had the opportunity to film at was Arlyn Studios. Listen to what Will Bridges, co-owner and partner at Arlyn Studios has to say about his experience. What is Aryln Studios?   The mission of Arlyn Studios is to provide Austin the audio production infrastructure necessary to compete on a global level, while also providing a community hub for our local music professionals.   What is the startup story for your company? Willie Nelson and his nephew Freddy Fletcher originally started Arlyn Studios in 1984.  Arlyn went on a nine-year hiatus from 2003-2012...

The best part about filmmaking is the process itself. There are a million things that happen on set that most people do not get to experience. Consequently, if you ever ask a filmmaker to tell a story, they will have so many fun facts to tell you. One of the best known tidbits from the set of Funemployment is the fact that Adam Duncan, the lead actor broke his foot in the middle of production. Unfortunately, none of his subsequent scenes involved the use of a crutch and the writing team could not rewrite the entire script. As a result,…

Moth to Flame enjoys working with Austin Phoenix because not only is it a startup itself, but also it is a magazine and online platform for other startups in Austin, Texas. To promote the launch of Funemployment, our feature film about the Austin startup culture, we have partnered up with the Austin Phoenix to showcase several issues about startup life. Our first issue about co-working spaces in Austin will be out in a week.  If you watch the trailer, you'll even notice that we filmed at an event sponsored by Austin Phoenix! Founder Kelly Holt, tells us a little bit...

In the spirit of launching Funemployment’s kickstarter campaign, Moth to Flame is showcasing  local companies that have donated their locations and or resources to help with the production of Funemployment. Toy Joy is one of these special locations. They donated their beautiful 2nd street location for the filming of a special date scene between characters, Kelsey and Nick.   Toy Joy is an independent toy store that supplies Austinites and the world with true original toys. This local business is based solely on uniqueness for their famously strange and exotic items.       What is the startup story for…