15 Nov So….Japan…..
Tokyo, Japan was the place my husband and I decided to go to for our one-year anniversary/honeymoon. There’s so much to tell when going to a different country, that I could ramble on for a while. So here’s a list of the things that stood out from out trip….
- SO….MUCH……..WALKING……We walked at least 2 miles everyday (I’m not exaggerating). Walking to the train station, walking from the train station to our destination, to our hotel, exploring. Walking everywhere. But hey, exercise so no big deal.
- The vending machines are amazing. They’re stationed on every street corner in Tokyo. Inexpensive and they offer a variety of drinks from hot to cold. We made good use of them when we needed a coffee fix. But beware the cans are tiny.
- It’s a very organized city. Signs and visuals are everywhere. Every restaurant has a display of the dishes they offer outside the entrance. In the airport workers dressed in very nice uniforms with gloves will point you to the next area without any question from you.
- Visually it’s beautiful but can be overwhelming. Tokyo is a very dense city. Buildings are built on top of each other, every inch of space is taken up by something or other, but you can find nooks and crannies of more traditional shrines or graveyards. Looking out the window on the train is the equivalent of looking around at an antique shop: there is so much visual interest piled on top of each other that your eyes have a hard time adjusting.
- If it looks like a business building, it’s probably a mall. They’re very deceiving.
- Everyone is extremely polite.
- The food is delicious and inexpensive.
- Trains are a convenient way to travel, but the crowds can make you feel like you’re moving against the current of salmon swimming up stream. You have to learn to move really quickly.
- If you’re into fashion this is the place to be. Even in my planned “nice” outfits, I still felt very underdressed compared to everyone there.
- It’s totally worth going. It’s a once in a lifetime experience and I’m glad we did it.
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