Congratulations McCombs Class of 2012! Read more about director, Christine Chen (McCombs Full-Time Class of 2012) on the McCombs Commencement Spotlights!   I recommend reading this while listening to Le Rallye by Tindersticks. Running around from project to project, I can’t believe that only two years ago Moth to Flame didn’t exist. My team and I have grown so much over that time; yet I feel that all we have accomplished pales in comparison to our goals. Moth to Flame came to life right before I entered business school. At the time, I made films under “Christine Chen.” One late…

Independent filmmakers wear multiple hats. We often times are the writers, the producers, the directors, the shooters, the makeup artists, the editors, and the list goes on… For me, working on set is the most memorable part of the filmmaking process– people and chaos surround you and it is very much a huge social event, at least on the Moth to Flame sets it is… Off the set into post-production however, is another story. This is the part that often gets the least credit, the least recognition, but requires the most time commitment. I attribute this to a lack of…

Day 6 (Mmm….Mango Lassi) full article here Ahmedabad, what a tidy city. It constantly brought to mind how we all take the simple luxuries of cleanliness for granted. Both the skies and streets lacked the pollution we had come to expect; the city even felt safer and less chaotic. (Fun Fact: Gandhi spent a large part of his life in Ahmedabad, and at his request the city became a dry state (alcohol is illegal)).   Either alarms must hate us or we hate alarms. Despite the 10 am meeting time, Caroline and I once again missed our alarm and woke…

Moth to Flame has gone international! Check out our upcoming project. To read more about the project and about the trip, make sure to check out the India Travel Blog. Here is the link to the first day of the trip. buy anabolic steroids online   zp8497586rq

Day 5 (Happy Holi!) buy steroids uk So my last traumatizing Taj Mahal dead battery experience, at the most crucial moment of filming, forced me to take extra precautions for the trip back. The night before I charged then recharged all batteries, dumped old footage, set a million alarms, and analyzed what I had captured to improve my filming. By the time I ended my compulsory precautions to film the Taj Mahal sunrise (not to mention that I had to meet my group at 5:30 am), the clock read 2 am.   The next day, all of the anticipation and…

Day 4 (Epic Morning, Epic Sunrise, Epic History) Let’s start things off with a short treatment of my morning: Christine’s Epic Morning INT. ShangriLa Hotel Room – Morning 5:19 AM The room, clothed in darkness, echoes the DEEP SLUMBERING SOUNDS of two women, CAROLINE KOLB and CHRISTINE CHEN, peacefully sleeping in their hotel beds. Suddenly a KNOCK. CHRISTINE Uhhhh…. Did someone knock? MYSTERY PERSON Umm… it’s Paul. CHRISTINE SHITTTTT!!!!!!! CAROLINE!!!! SHITTT!! DID THE ALARM NOT GO OFF? CAROLINE Huh? CHRISTINE THE ALARM!! We’re supposed to be down at 5:30 AM or we’re going to miss the train!!!! CAROLINE F&%*! My…

Day 3  (Memories) nasal polyps treatment Another day, another 8 am wakeup call, but this time I arrived to breakfast on time and in business casual (which sucked).  Yesterday, our professor informed us that we would visit some unknown company and that our attire mattered considerably.  So, after shoveling down millions of beautiful breakfast calories and taking a bus trip, we found ourselves in front of a building that did not look like a company.  Before us stood the astonishingly pulchritudinous temple, Akshardham!!! (Shameless Word of the Day plug.)   What. A. Temple.  Elaborately carved sandstone of Indian gods, an opulent…

  Everyone in Texas goes to HEB! HEB picked Moth to Flame to do a spec! HEB picked Moth to Flame as one of the 20 filmmakers to shoot a spec for Web and TV usage, targeting Texas moms, showcasing some of their products. I thought to myself, what better way to showcase HEB’s food than to film a real Texas family having a good time? I immediately contacted my friend Emily Albino, whose entire family uses HEB and are born and raised in Texas. Moth to Flame recently shot Emily’s wedding video with Make sure to also check…

Nic Putnam from Fat HamPster productions finally invited me to go spearfishing with him after I begged him to let me try filming the entire ordeal. We went to Palos Verdes for the day to test out Joel’s underwater camera. I also brought mine as well, but didn’t have an underwater casing so could only film from land. After a good 15 minutes, I quickly realized that I was rather horrible at swimming in the ocean, let alone filming at the same time. I gave up on the filming idea and ended up on back on the shore for the…

Professor Stephen Magee is a world famous economics professor. Though he has met the likes of Fidel Castro, the world has yet to see him dance… until now. University of Texas McCombs Class of 2012 teaches Professor Magee how to Dougie. Release Date: November 10, 2010