Vivi and I woke up at a relatively decent hour in the morning, expecting to try and catch the morning light for our graffiti photo shoot. Unfortunately, when Vivi took the dogs out, she came back saying that it was unusually hot outside. To provide a bit of context, in Cali terms, hot means anything greater than mid 70s. In Texas terms, hot means anything above 100. Regardless, my friend Dave wanted to meet up for lunch, so we decided to chill at home and work until then.   Vivi made me a wonderful breakfast of cut oats and fruit….

Fourth of July was in general a very chillaxing day. I woke up to the unpleasant noise of Leo (take a normal dog bark and amplify it 10X, that is how loud his bark is), Eric’s Korgie/Beagle mix, howling at the sound of sirens. Because I had completely passed out the night before from exhaustion, when I woke up, I found myself extremely disorientated. For a few seconds I thought to myself, “since when did my roommate get a dog?” Then I realized that I was not in Austin, Texas anymore, but in fact, in my friend’s loft in downtown…