Moth to Flame Films + super fresh uni = epic Though I never was successful at filming underwater, free diving, spearfishing, or really anything to do with the ocean… this was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. It is not every day that you have friends who are mermen, who will dive down to the bottom of the ocean to collect sea urchins so that you can fulfill a silly dream to eat fresh uni straight from the ocean. I had a blast. One of the biggest lessons I learned this summer is the need to relax…

One of the most amazing experiences I had was attempting to go spearfishing and to film while spearfishing, in California. Though I failed miserably, I got a chance to make Nicolas Putnam eat sea urchins from the ocean. I enjoyed them. He did not. It is all captured with my awesome camera. Stay tuned for part III next week.

It has been an insane few weeks. Moth to Flame Films has projects up the wazoo and they keep coming! The biggest news is that we are 4 for 4 right now. This means that we have submitted 4 specs to Poptent and they have all been recognized. These are the following results: 1.”What is Happy to You?” – Purchased by Clinique 2. “Boss Don’t Take Checks” – 1st Place Editor’s Choice 3. “Just Married” – Honorable Mention 4. “Assemble Your Team” – Finalist This is a huge step for Moth to Flame Films… especially the purchase by Clinique. We…

It has been a blast. Being surrounded by creative people is probably one of the best things that has happened to me. Every day I wake up with a drive to make more content, to continue to improve, and to do what I love to do with other people who appreciate it as well. Being obsessed with what you love has it downsides though. I definitely have not explored California as much as I should. I find myself spending copious amounts of time at my friend’s house, editing or filming.   Last week though, I was able to go to…

Find out what happens when a newly wed couple checks into a hotel in California… During the weekend of June 18th, Moth to Flame teamed up with a group of talented actors to present “Just Married”. One random fact about the set… The husband’s wedding ring is actually a keyring because we forgot to bring a wedding band for the actor. The cast included: Ryland Shelton (Husband), Michelle Faraone (Wife), Jesse Merlin (Receptionist). Co-Produced and Written by: Christine Chen and Michelle Faraone. Video released on June 27, 2011 and received a honorable mention award from PayPal. Check out the behind…