Dear Team Funemployment,   Some of you out there may be aware about how my brain works, especially those who are unfortunate to have me as a their crazy filmmaker friend. As you know, I constantly see the world as one big movie or TV episode. What I mean by this is I literally see events in my life play out like a big film set (complete with someone yelling action and cut, I kid you not).   To give you an example, when someone said something definitive like, you will never raise that kind of money through Kickstarter, I…

After months of hard work, the cast & crew of Funemployment  finally got together for the epic wrap party to watch the debut of the trailer. In the spirit of Funemployment, we decided to host the wrap party at a local Austin co-working space, Chicon Collective. With a super bad ass projector, this was the first time I had seen the trailer on such a large screen. I was watching a real movie! Yes, I cried. Several times.     There was delicious home cooked foods (whoever brought the short ribs… I love you), desserts, and drinks. My friend, Daran Herrman…

Dear Diary,   Our first weekend of production on Funemployment, despite being stressful has been an incredible experience. I have spent the last few days recovering and reflecting on everything that has occurred thus far and the biggest conclusion that I have reached is that Moth to Flame is truly a blessed company.   It is a honor for me to work with and be surrounded by talent, crew, and friends who believe in Moth to Flame and our movie. I must say, several moments throughout filming, I felt like crying (and at some moments, did) because this dream that…

It has been a blast. Being surrounded by creative people is probably one of the best things that has happened to me. Every day I wake up with a drive to make more content, to continue to improve, and to do what I love to do with other people who appreciate it as well. Being obsessed with what you love has it downsides though. I definitely have not explored California as much as I should. I find myself spending copious amounts of time at my friend’s house, editing or filming.   Last week though, I was able to go to…