After staying up and editing photos, I woke up late. 10 AM! I am so used to waking up at around 7 or 8 in the morning that I can definitely tell vacation is getting to me. Vivi and I had originally planned to get up early and do our graffiti photo shoot, but that obviously did not happen.   I woke up with two sleeping puppies, Leo and Atty snuggled with me in my bed. Cute. The morning consisted of working and then heading off to enjoy a nice brunch with Shannon and Vivi at the 5 Cent Diner,…

Fourth of July was in general a very chillaxing day. I woke up to the unpleasant noise of Leo (take a normal dog bark and amplify it 10X, that is how loud his bark is), Eric’s Korgie/Beagle mix, howling at the sound of sirens. Because I had completely passed out the night before from exhaustion, when I woke up, I found myself extremely disorientated. For a few seconds I thought to myself, “since when did my roommate get a dog?” Then I realized that I was not in Austin, Texas anymore, but in fact, in my friend’s loft in downtown…