Day 10 (The Power to Change a World) Last day together as a group in Mumbai. Many of us are splitting off to go to other locations within India or other countries (Goa, Nepal, Carola, and Paris). However, Paul and I decided to stay in Mumbai to meet the parents and friends of our dear friend Suma.   Our final two group stops: Leela Hotels (real estate) and Lend-a-Hand. For once, I made the early morning meeting time of 8:30 am. Except I didn’t, as Doggett wanted to transfer footage because he was leaving later in the afternoon. So technically,…

Moth to Flame has gone international! Check out our upcoming project. To read more about the project and about the trip, make sure to check out the India Travel Blog. Here is the link to the first day of the trip. buy anabolic steroids online   zp8497586rq