22 Jun Two Roads: Stage Meh
After we got through the first 3 days of production on Two Roads, the last 2 days became less stressful. This is the stage that I like to call “Meh.” Basically, after the initial shock factor of dealing with intense work schedules and a variety of temperamental problems, the entire team became so used to (and tired of) solving or accepting these problems that by the last two days any problem ceased to become a big deal. It is going to rain in 2 minutes? Cool. It is pouring outside? Cool. The data dump froze again right before an incredibly emotionally difficult scene to shoot? Okay.
The best example I can give to describe this feeling comes from a scene in “The Incredibles.” Those of you who have seen it will know which scene I’m talking about from the picture below:
For those who have yet to see “The Incredibles,” maybe this picture will make more sense.
One of my best memories was sitting on the patio watching the rain pour as the entire team ate crawfish. The team knew that we had literally one more scene left between finishing the film and going home. Unfortunately, that scene required the weather to be perfectly sunny or it would not make sense. Despite the fact that the rain kept pouring and looked like it would never end, we all sat calmly eating our crawfish and enjoying the down time.
Luckily by the end of our lunch, the sun came out and we finished with a bang.
All of us hurt. Our feet hurt, our backs hurts, our brains hurt, but when we finished the martini shot and started to pack up to go home, I’m sure we all felt a sense of victory. We finished. We created something that used to just be a figment of our imaginations and now it is something tangible. Not only is it tangible, we all knew in our hearts that we had just made a masterpiece together.
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