21 Jump Street B+ write me an essay This was a hilarious and refreshing take on the retro-tv-remake-movie. I laughed at nearly every scene, and I was massively entertained by both lead performances. I have always enjoyed Jonah Hill, but Channing Tatum surprised me with some genuinely brilliant deliveries. Argo A+ Argo is winning a lot of awards and it really does deserve it. An extremely solid and interesting script, a masterful (though sadly unrecognized by the academy) directing effort, and a phenomenal cast make this a strong candidate for best film of the year. It was a really great…

Django: Unchained A+ buy cheap software download Django was a perfectly bloody homage to the spaghetti western genre. Setting it against the backdrop of slavery in the south caused for some discomfort among audiences, but I believe effectiveness and originality are at the heart of any great film, and these are qualities present in all of Tarantino’s works. This film exhibits them as expertly as any before. This is also, in my humble opinion, his best dialogue and soundtrack since Pulp Fiction. Lincoln B+ There’s not a lot this movie does wrong, technically speaking. Spielberg and Day-Lewis are both masters…

I spent a huge chunk of my life attempting to be a successful musician. In recent years, that focus has shifted to film, and I am grateful Moth to Flame has given me the opportunity to blend my passions. I hope to consistently produce music based video projects for MTF and build our recognition throughout the vast Austin music community. The latest and greatest effort in this endeavor came last Thursday when I spent a day in studio with Wild Child, a personal favorite of mine amongst local bands, while they worked on their upcoming album, The Runaround. As if…