27 Oct Documentary Webseries with Global Heartbeater Project
When Richard Brown from the Global Heartbeater Project approached Moth to Flame about developing a corporate video marketing strategy for a new invention called The SuperTrike, we were excited to be a part of it. Working with a new startup that is keen on building a solid video marketing strategy is quite rare because video production tends to take up quite a bit of resources and time that startups usually cannot budget for. Richard, however, is an innovator and he knew first hand that video marketing could help spread the word and educate people about his project, especially given that it is a completely new concept. The only way for people to understand the value of his invention is to show them the value.
In this article we discuss the making of a documentary webseries following the birth and growth of this innovative company.
The SuperTrike is a revolutionary hybrid between a traditional bike and an electric car. With only a 750 Watt motor, it still falls under the classification of a bike, but has the option to be both mechanically or electrically powered. Because it can be powered with both hands and legs in a seated position, it provides a full body work out for those that may not be able to work out in a traditional fashion. Richard created the bike because of his own physical injuries that impaired him from jogging and other exercise activities.
The genius behind the product is that it takes into account the amount of time most people spend in their cars to go from place to place. The problem that most bikes fail to solve is the lack of trunk space and the limited speed at which it can travel at. The Supertrike not only solves both issues in a green efficient method, but also incorporates today’s need to stay connected digitally. The supertrike will have a sophisticated electronic system for users to monitor health statistics such as heart rate, which can be used in conjunction with devices such as the FitBit and more.
Our goal for the Supertrike documentary webseries is to build traction and awareness within the health and wellness communities about this incredible vehicle through videos. To do this Moth to Flame is creating a mini documentary series showing in detail the building and development of the SuperTrike. Though it is highly time and resource consuming just to build the prototype, Richard hopes he can mass produce the vehicle soon with the help of crowdfunding. The crowdfunding campaign for the Heartbeater Supertrike will launch in early 2016. This is an incredible opportunity to support a revolutionary product that will help to improve health and wellness and also be great for the environment.
Every week, Moth to Flame and the Heartbeater will be releasing a short video about the Supertrike’s progress For those interested in anything related to electronics, robotics, inventing, prototyping, building, or just really sweet ideas, this is definitely a mini series you do not want to miss out on. The new team that Richard has built has been tirelessly perfecting the the Supertrike, which Richard himself has been developing for almost 11 years. In this series, you as an audience will get to discover the trials and tribulations of building an idea into reality. You will get to experience what it is like to build and grow as a team.
We hope that you will stay tuned for each episode. Feel free to submit questions to us at contact@mothto?ame?lms.com about the Supertrike that you’d like Richard and the team to address and we will try to include your answers in subsequent videos to come.
For any company interested in building an innovative corporate video strategy or crowdfunding campaign, feel free to check out our portfolio at mothto?ame?lms.com
If you would have told me three years ago that I would be working on films, I probably would have believed you. Now if you’d say I’d also be working with crowdfunding video production, and commercial video production, I probably would have given you a funny look. In the past three years however I’ve worked on probably just as many film sets as I have commercial/crowdfunding sets. There’s not a huge difference between the two types of sets. The only difference is actors are passionate about the narrative being told, and business owners are passionate about the product or service they either can or look forward to provide. Our job is to get that passion translated to video.
Now in the past my role usually was running sound and snapping off behind the scenes photos, so we’d have a little more to share with you than just videos. My role this time around, working with Global Heartbeater Project, was a little bit more involved than I was used to. Christine messaged me asking if I would be interested in going and filming something for her, which I was a little bit hesitant to agree to. Even when I said yes I was regretting it. I’ve filmed many bands in Austin, but never really shot anything commercial. Turned out it really wasn’t much different.
When I got to the location I met up with Darren Frease, an intern at Moth to Flame, who would be assisting me for the day. First thing we did was wander around the location looking for Richard Brown. Now I’m a rather reserved kind of person, so meeting new people isn’t exactly my forte, luckily Richard is a rather friendly individual and got us in touch with Jordan who gave us an idea of what we’d be filming that day.
First thing up was an unboxing of a gear-less bike drive hub. Now if you asked me what exactly that is, I still don’t know and the guy showing it talked about it. I was too busy worrying about if my shot was in focus. Once we were done with that, we moved on to interviewing Jennifer who runs the social media for Heartbeater. Somehow I manged to not get that info when we filmed the interview. Though I did get an interesting story out of her, that I’m not sure if it made it into the videos or not, but that was one thing I was happy about getting.
After that we got some b-roll of a machine preparing a piece of wood to be cut, and later those pieces would come together to form part of the SuperTrike. We wrapped things up with a little overview of the program used to create the designs that the machine used to cut out the piece.
While I’m not too interested in filling Christine’s shoes for a day any time soon, it was an interesting experience and I’m sure I’ll end up doing it again. Now enjoy episode 2 below.
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