IMG 20130803 043923 - Funemployment Day 3 & 4 - 6th Street & Lost Keys

Funemployment Day 3 & 4 – 6th Street & Lost Keys

Dear diary,


It has been day 4 of filming and already we have captured some epic shots and experienced some ridiculous events. The days have gone by in a blur of 15-20 hour long shooting schedules.


Our third day of shooting on Friday, Aug 2, which should have lasted until 11 PM, turned into an all night fiasco. Though I pride myself to be a good planner, sometimes there are things you just cannot plan for. Here is how Day 3 went:


6:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Learning how to get rid of nasty reflections coming from a china ball off of a white board. I swear we adjusted this light for 2 hours and still could not get it right.


10:00 pm – 1:00 AM

We then transitioned the shooting day to my apartment clubhouse bathroom, which also resulted in a lighting nightmare… it probably didn’t help that in a rush, we did not bring any gels or extension chords.


1:00 AM – 2:00 AM

The day finally concluded with an epic trek down 6th street as we raged with drunk merrymakers. Adam and Dunte, two of our lead actors were instructed to meet the crew at the Nicklebar after shooting a car sequence, but got delayed, shooting other amazing b-roll of 6th street craziness. Luckily, we managed to sneak out two beers in the sound bag for them to enjoy.



Did I mention, Kellie got a flat tire…. So we had fun changing this.

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As you can see, Adam is being very helpful as Kellie changes the tire….

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4:00 AM – 6:00 AM

After not having the time to really eat anything the entire day, I finally got to enjoy a sit down meal with my lead, which resulted in coming home when the sun rose. Oh the joys of filmmaking.


Day 4 was just as crazy. I must say the day went off to a very promising start. We finished an extremely difficult shot completely on time. The shot involved 3-4 pages with one steadicam motion. Extremely difficult for everyone because this means all the dialogue and blocking must be spot on. The lighting must be done for all of the scenes since there is no cutting. It was epic.

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We were so on time that we even managed to sneak in a session to sit down and eat/drink at the local pub next to our office.


The highlight of the night was our two simultaneous time lapses that we ran and had the actors do their thing back and forth between the two setups for 2 hours, while the rest of the crew set up for a third scene involving an epic arena style ping-pong match. The stills from our cameras of the screen do not do justice to how epic the shots will be.

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Unfortunately, the long hours finally caught up to me as I could not find my car keys at the end of the night. My awesome crew members, Jonny Greenwald and Patrick Hoy, stayed with me for a few hours hunting for the keys and still did not find them. I ended up staying the night at the office. The things you do for art.


I woke up the next day and checked the last place I thought my keys would be at, Dog N Duck. And what do you know? They were there. Now I get to go home and start again at 2:00 pm today. The funny thing is… despite all the craziness, I still cannot wait for more.

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