Moth to Flame New Year Resolutions

Moth to Flame’s New Years Resolutions

We are officially a week into 2015, which is about the time statistics say people have already lost momentum towards the resolutions they made on new years day. To avoid falling into this pool, below are some tips to help you reach your goals.


  1. Before all steps, write down your top goals and make yourself accountable by sharing it with as many people as you can. In our case, we like to broadcast our most important goals loudly, so that all of you can hold us accountable.
  1. Instead of saying what you aren’t going to do, create a list of what you are going to do and detailed action items that will help you get to that goal.

Here are Moth to Flame’s own New Years Resolutions:

Moth to Flame wants to work smarter with clients when planning the next video project. We are going to do this by spending more time with clients in the front end (pre-production process) to better define their vision.

By creating standardized templates, checklists, and questionnaires that are required by each client to fill out, we can make sure that the most essential questions will be answered up front to save us more time later. We want to help clients actualize their ideas with efficient production and video resources so that the message stays true and makes an impact.

Moth to Flame is also looking to expand our resources by spending more time developing and fostering talent. We find that the best way to continue to innovate is to add new people to our team. We want to offer mentorship and work experience opportunities. Many of our past interns are now taking leadership roles within Moth to Flame and we hope that this will be a continuous trend.

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  1. Instead of looking at the big picture goal, track your progress by setting up several short milestone dates.

Looking at the bigger picture can be overwhelming. It is easy to be so overwhelmed that you end up not trying at all . Instead of tracking yearly accomplishments, Moth to Flame aims to track quarterly accomplishments towards an annual vision.

We recommend this approach for everyone because it also helps you appreciate the process and keeps you focused on the nuisances that create a fine body of work rather than just the end product. We believe that the only way to be good at what you do is by loving and perfecting the process. The end product is the bonus.

written by Michelle Casanova and Christine Chen

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