daneilandi - RIP Daniel Search

RIP Daniel Search

During one of my many volunteer EMT shifts at the Community Volunteer Fire Department, station 1, in Houston, Texas, I met a guy who introduced himself to me as Daniel Search. My first thought when I met him was what a cute and nice guy. We became fast friends.


I know Daniel as just Search. Search always treated me with such respect. While some of the guys at the station (you know you are!) would sometimes make the typical overtly sexual male comments, Search never once did this with me. He always wanted to know how I was doing and would always be willing to hear about any troubles I had. He was a good friend. Some of my best memories of Search include watching him horse around with Mursuli and Staggs at the station. They would call each other names, grab each other’s butts, and just be boys. Their antics at the station made me laugh so much.

daneilandi - RIP Daniel Search

One of my best memories, however, was when Search helped me out with one of my first films. After I graduated from undergrad, I pretty much did not touch a camera for almost 2 years. When I decided to make my first film after this hiatus, I asked Search to my lead actor. He agreed without any hesitation. He played “the rookie.” I casted him in this role because of his kind hearted nature and his enthusiasm. Search loved being at the station and it showed. Though there were times when I moaned and groaned about being at the station on a weekend, I never once experienced this with Search. Search had an enthusiasm and love for the station equal to that of a rookie. Each fire call he had was new and exciting and no matter how small or big the call, he worked just as hard at everything. He was the perfect lead.

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During the shoot, Search had a part that involved being surprised when he opened the fire truck door to discover that his crewmembers were all waiting for him and sipping tea. In order to accomplish this shot, I told everyone in the truck to shout obscenities at him. Search was completely unaware. So, when he opened the door and received an onslaught of cussing and jokes about his mother, he had a genuinely surprised face. He later told me that he had no clue what was going on and I replied that that was exactly how I wanted him to feel. He was so much fun to work with.

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Search always invited me on his camping excursions at the Bayou. Though my schedule never permitted me to go meet up with him and Mursuli, I was always so happy when he invited me. He loved being in the outdoors.


Search always parked his beloved motorcycle inside of the station at night. I love motorcycles. One night when I was visiting the station, I asked him to take me for a ride on his bike. He did. And it was epic, as all motorcycle rides are, but now that I look back… I am so thankful that I got to experience that moment with him.

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Search, I am so honored to have had you for a friend. You are an amazing person and someone who I will miss dearly. You are in a better place now and we will meet again some day. When we do, I’ll have another part in a movie waiting for you. RIP Daniel Search.

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(NOTE: all “The Rookie” set pictures taken by Ryche Guerrero)

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