Dear Diary,   Our first weekend of production on Funemployment, despite being stressful has been an incredible experience. I have spent the last few days recovering and reflecting on everything that has occurred thus far and the biggest conclusion that I have reached is that Moth to Flame is truly a blessed company.   It is a honor for me to work with and be surrounded by talent, crew, and friends who believe in Moth to Flame and our movie. I must say, several moments throughout filming, I felt like crying (and at some moments, did) because this dream that…

Casting for Funemployment has been an amazing experience. As one of the writers and the director, it is amazing to see something you’ve worked painstakingly on for almost two years, come to life. The journey thus far has been both emotionally challenging, but also rewarding. The quality of talent that came to our auditions and the quality of people who we will have the honor to work with far surpassed our expectations.   The next few months will start with numerous rehearsals and long shooting days. My only hope is that as more people become aware of the project or…

I love directing music videos because it combines two of my great loves, filmmaking and music. For me, not having to deal with sound design is definitely one of the biggest perks. I leave THAT to the pros. Instead, I get to spend copious amounts of time listening to the music and dreaming.   I try to feel and understand what the artist wants to accomplish with the music. I think about questions to ask, such as “what happened when you wrote this song” or “why did you write this song?” Different colors float around in my head or I…

Having produced several successful Kickstarter campaigns, and by successful I mean Kickstarters that reached their funding goals, many people have asked me what it takes to have a good Kickstarter video. Here are my thoughts.     Making a good kickstarter video and campaign requires more than just a good camera. It takes a lot of planning, structuring, and good business sense. In my opinion, having no video is better than having a video if a company is unwilling or unable to spend the investment on quality. Why?   Often times, a Kickstarter video is a company’s first impression to…