I knew the Saturday lines and crowd capacity would be so insane that I spent the first part of my day avoiding them. I slept in, worked on my blog, and rolled into the Convention Center just in time for my shift at 1:00 pm.   My line management shift proved to me that I made the right decision. The lines were insane. Patience for me is not my strongest suit and I definitely do not understand how anyone can wait in line for 5 hours to see a 1-hour panel. That is total dedication! I guess if I had…

Last day in Los Angeles on Wednesday, and as always, I am sad to leave it. Whenever I come to LA, I get a creativity surge. I do not know whether it is the positive vibe, the “I want to make it big” attitude, the weather, or what, but I always leave LA wanting to do something big, to do more.   The morning consisted of blogging and packing. I had a 3:00 PM train ride to catch, but Vivi and I had the Annenberg Photography Museum Exhibit of Who Shot Rock and Roll still left to see. I have…

You know the day is going to be awesome when a wet tongue wakes you up in the morning (a doggy tongue, you pervs)! I woke up to Atty, Eric’s beagle mix licking my face, quickly followed by his brother, Leo. Despite my best intention to ignore them, wet noses kept nudging at my hands, begging me to pet them. In fact, when I tried to half-ass pet them, in other words, just put my hand on them without any petting motions, Atty would patiently nudge my hand and lick my face until I paid attention. Finally, after ten minutes,…

5:00 AM rolled around and sure enough, my friend, Nicolas Putnam was already on his way to pick me up for surfing. Despite going to bed the previous night fairly late, I surprisingly found it not difficult to wake up. I am sure the “first time” surfing nerves helped. We went back to Nic’s house to collect the surfboards and wetsuits, make breakfast (bacon, fried rice… my own creation), and head to the beach. Upon arrival, it shocked me to see the beach already filled with surfers. I had thought we were way too early, but in reality, we were…

One of my goals in life is to direct a Nike commercial. I love the desaturated color correction, the lighting and the fast cuts that are typical of some Nike commercials. When I had the opportunity to film the Fahrenheit Nutrition video, I was ecstatic to be able to put some of my creativity to the test. This is what we came up with.   The athletes definitely made us look good, Will Molina the director of photography did wonders, and we even had original music by Richard Evans of The Guild.