Carlos Dinkins, who some have deemed my “muse”, asked me to help him make a video for MBA Revue. I of course agreed because he has dedicated so much of his time to be in my films. After watching a professor’s YouTube videos, we could not help but make this infomercial parodying Operations Management and the famous workout, P90X. I had the opportunity to use video transitions and horrible graphics in order to make this video come to life. Carlos killed it. –CC

This was a project commissioned by MBA 2011 student, Aaron Lyons. Aaron Lyons is planning on launching a restaurant in the near future and wanted something that would generate buzz about his company. The special nature of this project was that everyone in the commercial were MBA students (1st and 2nd years). We shot everything in a matter of 4 hours. We wanted to portray that Urban Dish is a lifestyle – hip and healthy. The first concept “How You Like me Now” stemmed from a collaborative brainstorming effort between the different producers. The second idea “Don’t Eat Trash” was…

I am starting to build my film equipment collection and I believe this is the first film that really portrays the level of productive value I am able to achieve these days. I didn’t have a long time to film so I decided to cut together the “best” of first semester business school. Enjoy everyone. –CC