Back in March 2011, Hassan F. Johnson of ThaTrunk partnered up with director, Christine Chen, to create a mini-documentary series to kick off the launch of is a digital music marketplace for driven Independent Hip Hop Artists that sells services normally offered by record labels. They are pretty awesome. Make sure to check them out. The project was a success and kicked off their website with Drastik, a short documentary about a local hip-hop artist in Austin, Texas. The documentary was filmed during a span of a week and follows Drastik and his band “The Circle of…

Want to know what going to business school is like? This is the UT official "Gettin' My MBA" Music video - parody of Lonely Island's "Jizz in my Pants". When I first came to business school. I already knew that I wanted to a make a parody about it. I suppose the idea came from watching all the parodies made by medical and law schools, but very few for business school.   I figured it was a way to get to know my classmates and to practice my craft. The original concept was supposed to be based on the song...

Professor Stephen Magee is a world famous economics professor. Though he has met the likes of Fidel Castro, the world has yet to see him dance… until now. University of Texas McCombs Class of 2012 teaches Professor Magee how to Dougie. Release Date: November 10, 2010