Filming Meagan and Cameron’s wedding was a fantastic experience. Meagan is a dear friend of mine from the University of Texas McCombs MBA Full-Time program Class of 2012 and one of the first people I recruited for my filming craziness. You may recognize her in most of my MBA videos, such as “Gettin’ My MBA,” “Doritos: Get Your Own,” and countless others. She is a regular super star.   Besides being ridiculously beautiful and an awesome bride to work with, Meagan is a beautiful person inside. She is always such a positive person and so willing to help out others….

During one of my many volunteer EMT shifts at the Community Volunteer Fire Department, station 1, in Houston, Texas, I met a guy who introduced himself to me as Daniel Search. My first thought when I met him was what a cute and nice guy. We became fast friends. steroids buy   I know Daniel as just Search. Search always treated me with such respect. While some of the guys at the station (you know you are!) would sometimes make the typical overtly sexual male comments, Search never once did this with me. He always wanted to know how I…

Moth to Flame and teamed together to capture Nick and Emily’s beautiful wedding. Nick and Emily approached my friend Daran Herrman from to capture their wedding in October 2011. Daran had done an amazing job with their engagement photos that they wanted to work with him again. Because Daran knows what’s good for him (just kidding), he contacted Moth to Flame to do the video portion. Daran and I filmed the entire day starting from 11 am to 2 am at night, capturing moments with the groomsmen and the bridesmaids getting ready, to the ceremony, and the party….