Ah the dual nature of stop motion animation… The first side: all the planning, and prepping: It can be anything from sand, to Legos, G.I. Joes, to drawings, to the classic “Claymation”. You spend hours plotting out the story, making the background, each individual frame (if required), and then you finally shoot it. Which, if anyone is wondering, takes several more hours. The second side: you’ve accomplished all this work!!! Then you play the footage……..it lasts 8 seconds. Literally. 8 seconds le sigh That’s it. You might be able to stretch it to 10-12 seconds, 15 if you’re really good….

The idea to reality of A Bird’s Nest has been a whirlwind. It took one short story, by Eric Hwang, written almost a decade ago and the right lead, Deke Garner, to spark the inspiration for this short film.   The screenplay, adapted by Christine Chen, will be shot in Shreveport, Louisiana, May 28-30, 2014. More updates to come. Here is our first official poster designed by Alicia Marshall.