btsmccombs - Vlog #28: Mr. McCombs Pageant

Vlog #28: Mr. McCombs Pageant

Every semester it feels like my workload keeps increasing exponentially. The one word I need to keep continuing to learn how to use is “No.” Fortunately, after being asked to help out with the 2011 Mr. McCombs pageant, I am glad that I did not say no to this opportunity. It was a big rush. Only a few hours, sometimes, just 30 minutes to film something that hopefully would be funny or compelling. Carlos Dinkins, one of my favorite actors and friends (because of his ability to deliver in a shameless matter) said yes immediately of course… then David Isquick, Ian Lieberman, and finally Harold Williams (emailing me on SUNDAY! a day before the due date). The videos are all very unique, catered towards each McCombs candidate. Be sure to check out each candidate’s video.





I had a blast making them. It is hard for me to turn down projects when I know I will get a good laugh. I love to laugh. It is even more rewarding when I am sitting in Carpenter (UT MBA study lounge) and hearing the sound of my work being played on people’s computers and the sound of laughter. That is when I know I did a good job and that my work is appreciated. Share away my friends. That is the best compliment to any artist. I hope you all enjoy the behind the scenes and most importantly, the videos.

Make sure to check the contestant promo videos above as well as the behind the scenes, never seen footage, by clicking on the picture below! Enjoy! If you were not able to make it to the event, do not fret, Moth to Flame was there to capture the event and will be posting the entire show in the near future. So make sure to check back.

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