pyrocamp - Vlog #29: Pyro Camp

Vlog #29: Pyro Camp

How do the members of Moth to Flame relieve stress? Blow stuff up at pyro camp in Hayes, Texas, of course!

Ryan Jurgensen and I share a common love besides entrepreneurship; we love guns, explosions, special effects, and just wrecking havoc. Just check out the last project we did together titled: Project 0: Part I. Make sure to also check out the making of the video, where we talk about using visual special effects. Naturally, when Ryan showed me a groupon to a day at Pryo Camp, I said “was that a rhetorical question?” Hells Ya!

November 19, 2011, we headed out to Hayes, Texas, about 30-45 minutes outside of Austin and spent half a day learning about movie and theatrical pyro techniques. We learned stuff about squibs (little tiny explosive that mimic gun shots), to large fire ball explosions. The biggest take away that I got from the experience was that coffee creamer is extremely bad for you. The place had so many industrial sized coffee creamer cans lying around, which we later discovered were used to help set up explosions. The pure fat of the creamer serves as a fuel source for the flame.

Fascinating. Hope you all enjoy the little piece I edited together, inspired by one of my favorite songs by The Lonely Island, “Cool Guys Don’t Look at Explosions” They don’t! I didn’t.

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