When Daran Herrman from Coloredlion.com asked Moth to Flame to help produce and direct Bri’s debut music video for her new single “Whiskey,” we said of course. Working with Bri Bagwell in January to make her debut music video was a treat — what a beautiful person inside and out. The shoot took two full days at two different locations, Rock Studio Pool in Dripping Springs (if you are interested in renting the location, let us know) and Saxon Pub. The project would not have been possible without a crew of awesome people. Stay tuned in the next few weeks…

The beauty of being a filmmaker is that I get to relive experiences whenever I review and edit my footage. Sometimes this is not necessarily a positive thing, however, 90% of the time it is. Despite having to review approximately 50 hours, 1.5 Tb worth of footage, I welcomed it. India, a life changing experience in person and even more so through the camera. Here is what I came up with for my first pass at the footage (besides the trailer).   I hope it gives you as much joy watching it as it did for me editing. The music…

  Two days of intense 8-10 hour day shooting, with crew call times of 6:00 am in the morning, and countless hours of editing later… we are proud to finally reveal the trailer for Bri Bagwell’s debut music video produced by ColoredLion.com and Mothtoflamefilms.com and directed by Christine Chen. What an amazing journey to the final product. We had a crew that supported us every day and a very talented artist, Bri Bagwell, to work with. So many people have helped to make this possible.   We will be hosting a VIP release party on Feb. 12, 2012 for those who helped…

MothtoFlameFilms.com, Coloredlion.com, BriBagwell.com, and RogerCreager.com… too many .com’s in a room as producer, Daran Herrman pointed out, met together in Christine’s upscale studio (her room that looks suspiciously like a dorm room) on Jan 25, 2012,  to see the 1st cut of Bri’s debut music video. The conclusion? Bri loved it. One of the biggest fears of a  filmmaker, in my opinion, is waiting on the verdict of a key stakeholder.   Though I am confident in my work, it is always hard to judge what the audience expects. Taste and preference are extremely subjective and what appeals to you may not to…

Do you have the biggest balls of them all? Check out this video Moth to Flame did with bigroundballs.com. During the last month of my time in LA, my life has been take over by a guy named Nic Putnam. He is an incredible filmmaker and now a great friend. I guess you really have to appreciate each other’s company in order to stand working with each other until 4 am for 15 hours straight, 5 to 7 days a week. Nic Putnam is from Fat HamPsters Productions as well as True Colors Productions. When I first figured out he…

Want to know what going to business school is like? This is the UT official "Gettin' My MBA" Music video - parody of Lonely Island's "Jizz in my Pants". When I first came to business school. I already knew that I wanted to a make a parody about it. I suppose the idea came from watching all the parodies made by medical and law schools, but very few for business school.   I figured it was a way to get to know my classmates and to practice my craft. The original concept was supposed to be based on the song...