Our Journal

Day 8 (Haggling and Slums) Today started painfully with a 5:30 am meeting time. To catch our flight to Mumbai on IndiGo we took a four-hour bus ride back to Delhi. Needless to say, multiple wake-up calls were at the ready.   On our way out, I recorded footage of the villages we passed on our way out of Ahmedabad. I fell asleep for various legs of the journey even though I sat in the very front of the bus, as Doggett had insisted, and the bus driver informed me that he needed me not to fall asleep or else…

Day 7 (Cows and Bars) After spending the majority of our schedule yesterday at Amul Dairy, our tourist agenda got pushed to today. We started off the day at the Adalaj Step Well after breakfast (Caroline and I arrived on time finally thanks to a relatively new service: The Wake-Up Call)   Tangent #1: Steph, Marian, Paul, and I researched Ahmedabad for class, and our presentation featured the Adalaj Step Well. Instead of creating a horribly boring PowerPoint (how dull, but no offense), our team decided to focus on a more creative and more visually appealing way to present our...

Day 6 (Mmm….Mango Lassi) full article here Ahmedabad, what a tidy city. It constantly brought to mind how we all take the simple luxuries of cleanliness for granted. Both the skies and streets lacked the pollution we had come to expect; the city even felt safer and less chaotic. (Fun Fact: Gandhi spent a large part of his life in Ahmedabad, and at his request the city became a dry state (alcohol is illegal)).   Either alarms must hate us or we hate alarms. Despite the 10 am meeting time, Caroline and I once again missed our alarm and woke…

Moth to Flame has gone international! Check out our upcoming project. To read more about the project and about the trip, make sure to check out the India Travel Blog. Here is the link to the first day of the trip. buy anabolic steroids online   zp8497586rq

Day 5 (Happy Holi!) buy steroids uk So my last traumatizing Taj Mahal dead battery experience, at the most crucial moment of filming, forced me to take extra precautions for the trip back. The night before I charged then recharged all batteries, dumped old footage, set a million alarms, and analyzed what I had captured to improve my filming. By the time I ended my compulsory precautions to film the Taj Mahal sunrise (not to mention that I had to meet my group at 5:30 am), the clock read 2 am.   The next day, all of the anticipation and…

During one of my many volunteer EMT shifts at the Community Volunteer Fire Department, station 1, in Houston, Texas, I met a guy who introduced himself to me as Daniel Search. My first thought when I met him was what a cute and nice guy. We became fast friends. steroids buy   I know Daniel as just Search. Search always treated me with such respect. While some of the guys at the station (you know you are!) would sometimes make the typical overtly sexual male comments, Search never once did this with me. He always wanted to know how I…

Day 4 (Epic Morning, Epic Sunrise, Epic History) Let’s start things off with a short treatment of my morning: Christine’s Epic Morning INT. ShangriLa Hotel Room – Morning 5:19 AM The room, clothed in darkness, echoes the DEEP SLUMBERING SOUNDS of two women, CAROLINE KOLB and CHRISTINE CHEN, peacefully sleeping in their hotel beds. Suddenly a KNOCK. CHRISTINE Uhhhh…. Did someone knock? MYSTERY PERSON Umm… it’s Paul. CHRISTINE SHITTTTT!!!!!!! CAROLINE!!!! SHITTT!! DID THE ALARM NOT GO OFF? CAROLINE Huh? CHRISTINE THE ALARM!! We’re supposed to be down at 5:30 AM or we’re going to miss the train!!!! CAROLINE F&%*! My…