Our Journal

You are never alone when you have a bag of Doritos… Featuring: Michael Vera, Chris King, Carlos Dinkins, and Tom Beagles Crew: Director/Camera 1/DP/Editor: Christine Chen Camera 2: Praveen Katta Sound Mixer: Shannon Deane Boom Operator: Harold Williams PA: Tom Beagles, Graham Smith, Steve Herron

1st Dates are always awkward, but perhaps not with a bag of Doritos? Starring: Michael Vera Stephanie Quinn Harold Williams Extras: Steve Herron Crew: Directed/Filmed/Edited By: Christine Chen 2nd Camera: Praveen Katta Sound Mix: Shannon Deane PA: Tom Beagles, Steve Herron, Harold Williams

How do the members of Moth to Flame relieve stress? Blow stuff up at pyro camp in Hayes, Texas, of course! Ryan Jurgensen and I share a common love besides entrepreneurship; we love guns, explosions, special effects, and just wrecking havoc. Just check out the last project we did together titled: Project 0: Part I. Make sure to also check out the making of the video, where we talk about using visual special effects. Naturally, when Ryan showed me a groupon to a day at Pryo Camp, I said “was that a rhetorical question?” Hells Ya! November 19, 2011, we…

Every semester it feels like my workload keeps increasing exponentially. The one word I need to keep continuing to learn how to use is "No." Fortunately, after being asked to help out with the 2011 Mr. McCombs pageant, I am glad that I did not say no to this opportunity. It was a big rush. Only a few hours, sometimes, just 30 minutes to film something that hopefully would be funny or compelling. Carlos Dinkins, one of my favorite actors and friends (because of his ability to deliver in a shameless matter) said yes immediately of course... then David Isquick,...