…..So three weeks and three trips to Houston later, I’ve got a dress and a Church!!! You have no idea how good it feels to have those 2 VERY important things done this early. I feel like I should get an award for only having to visit one church and 3 dress shops, but I know I got lucky. So I’ll try to keep things in perspective. But lets discuss a few things concerning these 2.   #1- THE DRESS: Wedding Dress – Lyceum Galveston Moth to Flame     I had looked at dresses online early on and…

Dear diary,   It has been day 4 of filming and already we have captured some epic shots and experienced some ridiculous events. The days have gone by in a blur of 15-20 hour long shooting schedules.   Our third day of shooting on Friday, Aug 2, which should have lasted until 11 PM, turned into an all night fiasco. Though I pride myself to be a good planner, sometimes there are things you just cannot plan for. Here is how Day 3 went:   6:00 pm – 10:00 pm Learning how to get rid of nasty reflections coming from...

Dear Diary,   Our first weekend of production on Funemployment, despite being stressful has been an incredible experience. I have spent the last few days recovering and reflecting on everything that has occurred thus far and the biggest conclusion that I have reached is that Moth to Flame is truly a blessed company.   It is a honor for me to work with and be surrounded by talent, crew, and friends who believe in Moth to Flame and our movie. I must say, several moments throughout filming, I felt like crying (and at some moments, did) because this dream that…

Casting for Funemployment has been an amazing experience. As one of the writers and the director, it is amazing to see something you’ve worked painstakingly on for almost two years, come to life. The journey thus far has been both emotionally challenging, but also rewarding. The quality of talent that came to our auditions and the quality of people who we will have the honor to work with far surpassed our expectations.   The next few months will start with numerous rehearsals and long shooting days. My only hope is that as more people become aware of the project or…

Dear Diary,   After a nerve wracking 1st table read for Funemployment, it was a relief to say that the response to the script after the 2nd table read had significantly improved. Luckily, with the powers combined, Larissa and I managed to fix some structural issues and injected more characterizations for some of the audience’s favorite characters.   Though it is an exciting feeling to think that we are 90% closer to having a script we are happy with, it is also terribly frightening. Why? I guess the closer we are to the dream the more there is at stake. We…

Dear Diary,   The first table read for Funemployment was both an interesting and pleasant experience. My biggest takeaway is that despite having differing opinions, people still tend to share similar thoughts on parts that do or do not work.   buy glass pipes online   What surprised me the most is that characters who I had the least emotional attachment to seemed to read the best, while those I had an extreme emotional attachment to did not. I realize that having such an emotional attachment is keeping me from cutting what needs to be cut to make the script…

What is a feature film? By definition it is a film with a full-length running time, these days the golden number for an indie film is around 90-120 minutes. Why is making a feature film so important? To give you an idea, a feature to a filmmaker is like a barmitzvah to a boy. It is what separates the amateurs from the pros.   I have been dreaming about making a feature film ever since I started making movies and finally after many years as a filmmaker, I am happy to say I am ready to take the plunge with…

Starring Arnold Swarzenegger, Forrest Whittaker, and Johnny Knoxville   The Last Stand is basically the Old West mixed with modern day firepower and a classic action hero. Arnold Swarzenegger plays Sheriff Ray Owens, the sheriff of a small, sleepy town on the U.S./Mexico border. This town also happens to be the last stop of a Mexican drug lord on the run from the FBI. Of course the sheriff, being an honorable Old West type, says, “Not in my town!” To preface this review, I would like that to say that I grew up watching action movies; that was father-daughter bonding...