Anyone who knows me, knows that I don’t believe in accidents. I’m a firm believer of the rule, “everything happens for a reason.” If you go through a breakup, there’s a reason, if you get fired from your job, there’s a reason, if you bump into one of your kindergarten classmates from 40 years ago, there’s a reason… get the idea.

AAAAAhhhhh…….my workspace. Seeing someone’s desk in my mind is akin to seeing the inside of the trunk of a car; unique to each owner.   Here are the highlights of mine. Mac desktop, calendar, notebook, lamp, and whatever I’m working on at the time. I like to keep my desk pretty clean and neat, just makes me work better. There’s the spider I created for the Valentine’s Day animation laying next to my keyboard. I want to frame him because he turned out so well but have yet to buy a tiny frame. His legs pop off pretty easily too...

On Monday Christine, Kellie, and myself went through all the stuff Christine has accumulated since the creation of Moth to Flame. This photo was taken when we took a break to have dinner among all the equipment. We spent a decent amount of time just putting the Moth to Flame name on items. After long days on sets you can forget if extension cords and chargers are your’s or belong to the location owner. Also when the majority of your equipment is black it tends to blend in with other people’s equipment that also tends to be black. The rest...