Girl Scout Cookie Promotional Commercial… At Moth to Flame, we love creative challenges. Girl Scout asked us to create a promotional video about their cookie fundraising campaign. We didn’t want to do a typical talking heads and interview style video, but instead wanted to create a funny and clever narrative based commercial. Our special projects team member, Michelle Casanova came up with the idea about a top secret style cookie operation… and this is what we came up with. The shoot took a total of half a day. None of the cast members were actors, but were all girl scout...

Today we got an animation created by Kellie Penna for Coaching 4 Good. What is Coaching 4 Good you might be wondering. Well Coaching 4 Good provides coaches that help clients reconnect with both their professional life and home life. Watch the video for more information, and if interested go ahead and check out their website

Moth to Flame makes a lot of crowdfunding campaigns for startups. It is fun to be able to think outside of the box and figure out what is the best way to get at people’s hearts and most importantly, their purse strings. What makes us different from all other production companies is that we don’t simply make whatever video a client wants. We make sure that it coordinates with their overall strategy. We even provide consulting services for the running of the campaign itself, for example marketing ideas, marketing strategy, and overall campaign design. In fact, we ran our own...

About two years ago we put together a little ad for the Doritos Crash The Super Bowl competition. It involved a pair of special underwear adorned with many resplendent orange chips, which you can see Kellie Penna handling with care in the gif above. Be sure to check out the video if you haven’t seen it!

One of Moth to Flame’s favorite things to do is create content for startups. Why? When you are a startup, most companies want to stand out and be different. That is exactly what we strive to do at Moth to Flame, be raw, unique, and edgy. The most common request we get from our startup clients, in regards to their crowdfunding campaign or commercial is… we want to go viral. We have helped many Austin companies raise over $200K worth of funding. Some products are definitely challenging, but we are not afraid to make fun of ourselves. Some of our...