Every morning, one of my main routines is opening up YouTube or Facebook and scanning through for the most “buzzed” about online video content. What I have found is that increasingly a lot of this content involves well-done commercials with incredibly told stories.     I have had this conversation with multiple people about why I enjoy making commercials.  As a filmmaker, commercials allow  me to explore and experiment in short form without having to dedicate the amount of time and resources necessary to make a 8-10 minute short film or a 90 minute feature. In very little time, I...

With the increase in startups in Austin, Texas, co-working spaces are popping up everywhere! Wandering around Austin with local magazine, Austin Phoenix, Moth to Flame had the opportunity to check out these very unique spaces. Each one of them had their own culture, from tight knit frat like environments to creative and designer spaces, we saw and captured them here in this video.   For more information about each individual space, check out the article by Austin Phoenix: Guide to Coworking Spaces  

The best parts about making a fun video are the behind the scenes moments. Here are a few random facts from  filming the “Everything is Awesome” music video for our Funemployment Kickstarter supporters.   Behind the Scenes Facts We  stopped traffic of all sorts (pedestrian, vehicles, bicycles, and more) We had random strangers stop us to participate (the guy Stephanie Quinn chases after in font of the “Never Give Up” bridge) We ran into a group of #besomebody supporters, who coincidentally were also spreading the message of following your passion and dreams (does that remind you something? Perhaps Funemployment?) and made...

Let’s Welcome Showy to Team Moth to Flame!   Moth to Flame would like to welcome one of the newest members to the team. Showy will be running the Show N’ Tell section of the “Amazing Adventures” program hosted by Milky LeShakes. The show is produced by Jonny Greenwald and Kellie Penna who both spent countless years finding the perfect puppet hosts for this highly educational kids program. The show is written by Jonny Greenwald, Kellie Penna, and Joe Brostowicz. Their goal is to create the richest of characters and situations to maximize learning capability.   A little bit about...

Because words cannot express how appreciative we feel for those who have supported us along our Kickstarter journey, we decided to make something fun for everyone to enjoy. This video is dedicated to our Kickstarter donators and supporters. You know who you are.       Special Thank you to those who donated by then increased their pledges to help push us past our goal!   Thank you to our non-Kickstarter donators as well! You guys are awesome.

Dear Team Funemployment,   Some of you out there may be aware about how my brain works, especially those who are unfortunate to have me as a their crazy filmmaker friend. As you know, I constantly see the world as one big movie or TV episode. What I mean by this is I literally see events in my life play out like a big film set (complete with someone yelling action and cut, I kid you not).   To give you an example, when someone said something definitive like, you will never raise that kind of money through Kickstarter, I...

We hope everyone is stoked for our 2nd SXSW Moth to Flame party, happening at the Geisha Room on Congress, in the heart of downtown. We brought in over 500 people the first time with no music… now we have a special line up of music for our fans to enjoy, including free drinks, free coffee, free food, and free swag from our sponsors. Spread the word and remember to tag #SXSWMTF #areyoufunemployed   The first part of the party will be a networking event for any startups attending SXSW (so bring your business cards). In addition, we will be...