It is crazy to think that 2013 has already come and gone and we are already planning for 2014 SXSW! As the date closes in, startups, artists, and other folks trying to make a statement should consider doing some video blogging. During these two intensive weeks, many of the Moth to Flame members enjoy cavorting around the streets of SXSW, which ranges from Rainey to Downtown to Auditorium Shores and more filming cool sites and sounds. This year will definitely yield some more awesome new videos, Instagram pics,  tweets, and more.   Staying active is important because more so than...

  Taking photos is what I do when I want to relax. It is what I do when I travel or when I want to get to know someone better. In my opinion, the key to taking great photos (when your subject matter is a person), is to figure out how to make your subject as comfortable as possible.   As model/actor, lead of my debut feature, Funemployment, and friend, Adam Duncan and I explored Austin, we talked about goals and dreams. As I snapped away with my camera, I asked him to think about funny things that happened when...

  …..So three weeks and three trips to Houston later, I’ve got a dress and a Church!!! You have no idea how good it feels to have those 2 VERY important things done this early. I feel like I should get an award for only having to visit one church and 3 dress shops, but I know I got lucky. So I’ll try to keep things in perspective. But lets discuss a few things concerning these 2.   #1- THE DRESS: Wedding Dress – Lyceum Galveston Moth to Flame     I had looked at dresses online early on and...

  And so it begins…….Countdown: 10 months… WEDDING We’ve all been to them, we all hear the stories, and we’ve all seen Bridesmaids. But ABSOLUTELY NOTHING can prepare you for actually planning one. Seriously, NO-THING.  I got engaged this past September – Octoberish (I’m really bad with dates). It was wonderful. My fiancé proposed in a way that was sweet/personal and it was perfect for who we are as a couple.   For about 2 weeks I was so excited, waving my ringed hand at anybody who’ll stand still long enough, answering all the questions on “How did he do...

Dear Diary,   Our first weekend of production on Funemployment, despite being stressful has been an incredible experience. I have spent the last few days recovering and reflecting on everything that has occurred thus far and the biggest conclusion that I have reached is that Moth to Flame is truly a blessed company.   It is a honor for me to work with and be surrounded by talent, crew, and friends who believe in Moth to Flame and our movie. I must say, several moments throughout filming, I felt like crying (and at some moments, did) because this dream that...

Casting for Funemployment has been an amazing experience. As one of the writers and the director, it is amazing to see something you’ve worked painstakingly on for almost two years, come to life. The journey thus far has been both emotionally challenging, but also rewarding. The quality of talent that came to our auditions and the quality of people who we will have the honor to work with far surpassed our expectations.   The next few months will start with numerous rehearsals and long shooting days. My only hope is that as more people become aware of the project or...

Dear Diary,   After a nerve wracking 1st table read for Funemployment, it was a relief to say that the response to the script after the 2nd table read had significantly improved. Luckily, with the powers combined, Larissa and I managed to fix some structural issues and injected more characterizations for some of the audience’s favorite characters.   Though it is an exciting feeling to think that we are 90% closer to having a script we are happy with, it is also terribly frightening. Why? I guess the closer we are to the dream the more there is at stake. We...

Dear Diary,   The first table read for Funemployment was both an interesting and pleasant experience. My biggest takeaway is that despite having differing opinions, people still tend to share similar thoughts on parts that do or do not work.   buy glass pipes online   What surprised me the most is that characters who I had the least emotional attachment to seemed to read the best, while those I had an extreme emotional attachment to did not. I realize that having such an emotional attachment is keeping me from cutting what needs to be cut to make the script...