Christine has been busy getting together the final cut of Funemployment. If you’ve been following our Instagram you may have seen this photo, of our cat helpers working on some inserts.
Monday we did a little reshoot for a certain film named Funemployment. Cramped quarters were shared to get the shot and sound positioned right. I had a bit of an issue getting out of the unit, though didn’t have much of a problem getting in somehow. Christine was on the scene running the camera, while Roxanne McDanel did makeup duties, she also flipped the light switch during the scene. Shayla Begir and Adam Duncan(not pictured) were in the scene. I was busy handling the sound, it went alright except it was a little cramped when Christine and myself crawled…
My first day on the set of Funemployment I took this little panoramic photo(make sure to click on it to see the large image) of everyone that worked that day. I believe I took this after we had shot quite a bit with the crane and Christine was just reviewing the footage to make sure we’d captured what she wanted.
One of the most entertaining times working on the set of Funemployment was when we got to take over The Hideout Theater to serve as a backdrop for a scene. Lots of laughs were had during the filming of this scene as Matthew Broussard(pictured below) was allowed to do some improv for the cast and crew.
This photo was taken on a day when two friendly movers from Two Men and A Truck came out to help us shoot a scene. It was probably the easiest moving day they ever had on the set of Funemploment. All that was being moved was a mattress that day.
Moth to Flame makes a lot of crowdfunding campaigns for startups. It is fun to be able to think outside of the box and figure out what is the best way to get at people’s hearts and most importantly, their purse strings. What makes us different from all other production companies is that we don’t simply make whatever video a client wants. We make sure that it coordinates with their overall strategy. We even provide consulting services for the running of the campaign itself, for example marketing ideas, marketing strategy, and overall campaign design. In fact, we ran our own…
Today’s throwback image was created on the set of Funemployment, after Adam Duncan took a fall while helping Christine Chen film some b-roll that left him a bit immobile. Lucky for him Joe Brostowicz was there to carry him around set.
It is with a heavy heart for me to write this blog about the passing of a former Moth to Flame intern, Daniel Thompson. I remember when Daniel first jumped on board with Moth to Flame. My first impression of him was wow, this guy is so excited to learn about filmmaking. My first time meeting him was at a friend’s gathering during SXSW , when he mentioned that he wanted to get experience on set. He had just moved to Austin and was figuring out what he wanted to do. I could immediately see his hunger to learn…