It has been a blast. Being surrounded by creative people is probably one of the best things that has happened to me. Every day I wake up with a drive to make more content, to continue to improve, and to do what I love to do with other people who appreciate it as well. Being obsessed with what you love has it downsides though. I definitely have not explored California as much as I should. I find myself spending copious amounts of time at my friend’s house, editing or filming.   Last week though, I was able to go to...

Find out what happens when a newly wed couple checks into a hotel in California… During the weekend of June 18th, Moth to Flame teamed up with a group of talented actors to present “Just Married”. One random fact about the set… The husband’s wedding ring is actually a keyring because we forgot to bring a wedding band for the actor. The cast included: Ryland Shelton (Husband), Michelle Faraone (Wife), Jesse Merlin (Receptionist). Co-Produced and Written by: Christine Chen and Michelle Faraone. Video released on June 27, 2011 and received a honorable mention award from PayPal. Check out the behind...

During the weekend of June 18th, Moth to Flame teamed up with a group of talented actors to present “Boss Don’t Take Checks”. We filmed starting at 2 am in the morning in Newport Beach. The cast included: John Ross Clark (Vinny), David McCallum (Antonio), Matt Valle (Mikey), Danny Tuch (Danny). It was a huge success. We recently found out that we not only made the finalists, but also won the Editor’s Choice Award. Check out the behind the scenes photos:

Last week has been insane. I am finally posting the videos taken during the LA Weekly Envelope event, when I got to see stars from True Blood, Dexter, etc. I have taken up yet another random job (editing). And I went location scouting, filmed 2 commercial specs, and have almost finished editing everything… zp8497586rq

It has been a magnificent week. So magnificent that I have not had any time to update my blog. My list of random jobs has increased once again, as I am now an editor for an educational video series, a line producer for “A Guy Walks into a Bar Season 2”. Most importantly, I had the opportunity to meet Cameron Crowe, the director of “Almost Famous”, personally, as well as sit in on his interview with my supervisor. I have more footage to come, more pictures from projects that I am involved with. I definitely fit in here and I...

The first few days of Los Angeles have been fun. LA welcomed me with open arms by showing me how difficult it is to park anywhere without getting a ticket. There is an interesting vibe in this city. Never have I been surrounded with so much art/entertainment based content. From street signs that say “Rent for Parking or Filming” to film sets, and crashing my friend’s Memorial Day party (filled with Actors, Writers, etc)… it has been an entertainment industry overload. This environment is inspiring, yet overwhelming at the same time. I feel so thankful to be surrounded by so...