Have you ever wondered why you’ve stayed with that one guy or girl. In “Thanks Babe!” Moth to Flame explores a typical life in a typical couple’s day. Well, maybe not so typical…perhaps borderline psycho? Tell us what you think.     We’ve all been in relationships where we wonder why we’re still in them. Beautiful filmmaking elicits on some level an emotional response from people. We love when we can make people laugh, and we all really enjoyed writing and making this short. We have regular lunch meetings on Tuesdays where we talk about things that make us laugh....

  Have you ever wondered why you’ve stayed with that one guy or girl. In “Thanks Babe!” Moth to Flame explores a typical life in a typical couple’s day. Well, maybe not so typical…perhaps borderline psycho? Tell us what you think.     We’ve all been in relationships where we wonder why we’re still in them. Beautiful filmmaking elicits on some level an emotional response from people. We love when we can make people laugh, and we all really enjoyed writing and making this short. We have regular lunch meetings on Tuesdays where we talk about things that make us...

The social media space is a space that I am fascinated with because of the power it gives to independent filmmakers wanting to self-promote their own material. Before social media, we relied purely on screenings and film festivals, in order to gain an audience. Now, anyone can post a YouTube video and it has the possibility of going viral, accessing millions of users locally and around the world.   Unfortunately, because it is so easy to post material on YouTube and Facebook, it is also easy for your material to become lost amongst the millions of other user content. After...

All of my friends are in serious relationships, engaged, or married… so it is only fitting to make fun of them. 🙂 This is a story based off of a true story about a couple. I will not name which couple for fear of retribution (hint: he’s part of the MTF team) Enjoy! Happy Valentine’s Day! This is dedicated to couples every where.   Be sure to check back next Tuesday for our second short about couples 🙂 Actually, just check back every Tuesday because I always post on Tuesdays.

What is a production studio in a bag? It is bag that contains everything you may need in order to shoot wherever and whenever you want in an efficient and effective manner. I am not promising crane or slider shots, however, for everything else, my production studio bag works quite well. I have developed and perfected my bag for a few years and the items in this bag have been directly influenced by my experience as a filmmaker.   Someone once described my style of shooting as “ninja” shooting. And no, this was not a racial comment… but the fact...

Moth the Flame was invited by Poptent to create commercial specs for H-E-B that targeted Texas moms. Though we did not end up being chosen as the finalists, I feel like we still produced two very awesome commercials. Thank you to coloredlion.com and Kelsey Parks for helping out. Make sure to also check out the behind the scenes blog from a few months ago! buy cigarettes online legal   zp8497586rq

Moth the Flame was invited by Poptent to create commercial specs for H-E-B that targeted Texas moms. Though we did not end up being chosen as the finalists, I feel like we still produced two very awesome commercials. Thank you to coloredlion.com and Kelsey Parks for helping out. Make sure to also check out the behind the scenes blog from a few months ago! iphone spy stick zp8497586rq

A good filmmaker is one who knows how to establish a connection with an audience through a story. These stories are driven by the characters, “personas,” that we create. In order to create a believable or relatable character, I often have to recreate an entire character’s life cycle, habits, dreams, goals, even if these characteristics are not portrayed directly in a story, in order to understand how a character would naturally react to the events that happen in his or her life.   My latest project involved making a spec commercial that targets Texas moms who would be interested in...

  Two days of intense 8-10 hour day shooting, with crew call times of 6:00 am in the morning, and countless hours of editing later… we are proud to finally reveal the trailer for Bri Bagwell’s debut music video produced by ColoredLion.com and Mothtoflamefilms.com and directed by Christine Chen. What an amazing journey to the final product. We had a crew that supported us every day and a very talented artist, Bri Bagwell, to work with. So many people have helped to make this possible.   We will be hosting a VIP release party on Feb. 12, 2012 for those who helped...