The Hostel   If someone wanted one word that comes to my mind when I think of Comic-Con, the word would be lines — lots and lots of lines. Chris Jackson, who had went last year, and is the reason why I am even able to come to Comic-Con this year (thank you Chris) had warned me about these lines, but it still did not prepare me for what I saw at 8 AM in the morning. Insane.   The line snaked from the front of the building to the back of the building to the building next to the building....

Last day in Los Angeles on Wednesday, and as always, I am sad to leave it. Whenever I come to LA, I get a creativity surge. I do not know whether it is the positive vibe, the “I want to make it big” attitude, the weather, or what, but I always leave LA wanting to do something big, to do more.   The morning consisted of blogging and packing. I had a 3:00 PM train ride to catch, but Vivi and I had the Annenberg Photography Museum Exhibit of Who Shot Rock and Roll still left to see. I have...

Vivi and I woke up at a relatively decent hour in the morning, expecting to try and catch the morning light for our graffiti photo shoot. Unfortunately, when Vivi took the dogs out, she came back saying that it was unusually hot outside. To provide a bit of context, in Cali terms, hot means anything greater than mid 70s. In Texas terms, hot means anything above 100. Regardless, my friend Dave wanted to meet up for lunch, so we decided to chill at home and work until then.   Vivi made me a wonderful breakfast of cut oats and fruit....

Blogging every day can be a bit time consuming, so today I decided to do what we call a Vlog, a video blog. I have not done this in a while because I find that I am a lot more interesting in writing than on screen, that’s what Kelsey Pribilski is for (check our for her blog post tomorrow), but for the sake of saving some time, here is our video blog from Huntington Beach. I will be less lazy tomorrow! Minimal photography… you’ll see why in the blog.     I did get a chance to take pictures of...

After staying up and editing photos, I woke up late. 10 AM! I am so used to waking up at around 7 or 8 in the morning that I can definitely tell vacation is getting to me. Vivi and I had originally planned to get up early and do our graffiti photo shoot, but that obviously did not happen.   I woke up with two sleeping puppies, Leo and Atty snuggled with me in my bed. Cute. The morning consisted of working and then heading off to enjoy a nice brunch with Shannon and Vivi at the 5 Cent Diner,...

Saturday equated to lazy day. I leisurely woke up and spent the first part of the day surfing the net, blogging, and editing photos. I am in general a major planner. For me, the habit developed through necessity and the nature of my personality (goal orientated/overachiever). There are so many things I want to do and I want to do all of them, that I tend to plan my day to try and include everything.   This may also be tied to typical MBA syndrome because I find that most of my non-MBA friends are complete opposites. They do not...

You know the day is going to be awesome when a wet tongue wakes you up in the morning (a doggy tongue, you pervs)! I woke up to Atty, Eric’s beagle mix licking my face, quickly followed by his brother, Leo. Despite my best intention to ignore them, wet noses kept nudging at my hands, begging me to pet them. In fact, when I tried to half-ass pet them, in other words, just put my hand on them without any petting motions, Atty would patiently nudge my hand and lick my face until I paid attention. Finally, after ten minutes,...

To be a successful artist, one must have boring days. I have many of these days because I spend 99% of my time working. I do not see it as working though, just when I write about it, I realize that spending paragraphs talking about editing is probably super boring to most people.     The first part of today was working. As an entrepreneur, there is never a shortage of work. However, work definitely feels more enjoyable when it is happening during vacation. I suppose with the new sights to see, the change in environment, and new people to...

Fourth of July was in general a very chillaxing day. I woke up to the unpleasant noise of Leo (take a normal dog bark and amplify it 10X, that is how loud his bark is), Eric’s Korgie/Beagle mix, howling at the sound of sirens. Because I had completely passed out the night before from exhaustion, when I woke up, I found myself extremely disorientated. For a few seconds I thought to myself, “since when did my roommate get a dog?” Then I realized that I was not in Austin, Texas anymore, but in fact, in my friend’s loft in downtown...