I love directing music videos because it combines two of my great loves, filmmaking and music. For me, not having to deal with sound design is definitely one of the biggest perks. I leave THAT to the pros. Instead, I get to spend copious amounts of time listening to the music and dreaming.   I try to feel and understand what the artist wants to accomplish with the music. I think about questions to ask, such as “what happened when you wrote this song” or “why did you write this song?” Different colors float around in my head or I...

Having produced several successful Kickstarter campaigns, and by successful I mean Kickstarters that reached their funding goals, many people have asked me what it takes to have a good Kickstarter video. Here are my thoughts.     Making a good kickstarter video and campaign requires more than just a good camera. It takes a lot of planning, structuring, and good business sense. In my opinion, having no video is better than having a video if a company is unwilling or unable to spend the investment on quality. Why?   Often times, a Kickstarter video is a company’s first impression to...

Pain. It is an artist’s muse. Though we hate what it is does to our physical being, loss of appetite, sleep, and the list goes on, a small part of us cannot help be fascinated by it because of the kind of work we are able to produce.   Artists thrive and feed off of emotional energy. Sadness, for me, is the most powerful emotion of all and as a result of dealing with it, I find myself creating my best art. I joke with my friends that I can only paint when I am in the extreme depths of...

Balance. I often wonder whether this is a real word or a word designed to make me feel dissatisfied with whatever situation I am in. As a business owner and creative, I find myself constantly chasing this so called state of being. What is balance and how do I get there?   writing essay   For me, balance is the ability to survive financially, yet still be able to do what I enjoy doing, and find time for myself. You may think, well if you are making movies you are doing exactly what you enjoy doing. There is a big...