People define privacy in many different ways. Some people do not mind sharing their lives with the public and even rely on their public image to make money and build careers, while others go to extremes to avoid revealing private information. how can i get my ex girlfriend back In my opinion, it is almost virtually impossible to make everyone happy, so the best solution is to have a very transparent option for people to opt out of sharing their information. The problem with the way Apple and Google collect data as mentioned in the “Apple, Google Collect User Data”...

After a great night with Devang, we wanted to spend the next day further exploring Mumbai. Devang had mentioned, “The Crawford Market is usually full of a lot of people and dirty and extremely crowded, but it’s where you find every day stuff that locals buy. Stuff there is really cheap. It’s really crowded and dirty…you probably wouldn’t want to go.” Extremely crowded? Dirty? Cheap? Paul and I said, “Hell ya!” We set off the following morning after a few hours of work (because the internet was FREE) to find this Crawford Market. Before we got too far, I noticed...

Moth to Flame and Drastik are pairing up with David J Anderson from to create Drastik’s debut music video for “Explain to Me”. We are super excited. Check back to the site for more behind the scenes footage of the project. Moth to Flame will be releasing a kickstarter soon and want your support in helping us produce Drastik’s video. how to get your ex back zp8497586rq

The beauty of being a filmmaker is that I get to relive experiences whenever I review and edit my footage. Sometimes this is not necessarily a positive thing, however, 90% of the time it is. Despite having to review approximately 50 hours, 1.5 Tb worth of footage, I welcomed it. India, a life changing experience in person and even more so through the camera. Here is what I came up with for my first pass at the footage (besides the trailer).   I hope it gives you as much joy watching it as it did for me editing. The music...

A beautiful couple and a beautiful wedding. What more could one ask for? I had a blast at this wedding, filming, dancing on the floor with my camera, and even taking some pictures in the photo booth. I met Marco through my MBA program at UT and he asked me whether I could film his wedding about 2 weeks before his wedding! Of course I said yes. Here are some photos that I took as well.

Creativity — a word that both intrigues and intimidates at the same time and holds both negative and positive connotations. Many interpret creativity as a way of opening the mind to new ways of thinking and doing things. For others, creativity is just an excuse for not knowing how to follow structure.   In general, I feel as a filmmaker, creativity is a mixture of all these parts. Sometimes, it is a way to open the mind, but other times, it really is because we do not want to follow structure or can’t follow structure. I cannot count the number...

Day 11 (Shopping Day!!) After having a full schedule the entire trip, it felt nice to wake up to no plans and leisurely have breakfast at 9:15 with Paul and a small group of stragglers (Aimy, Jeff, and Kevin), who were staying in Mumbai until 6 pm. I joked that, to save money, I would eat enough to last until dinner. The only real plans consisted of meeting with Suma’s little brother, Sujeet, at 2:00 pm to receive a cell phone that Suma’s family graciously allowed us to borrow. As breakfast ended, we planned to meet again after we all...

Day 10 (The Power to Change a World) Last day together as a group in Mumbai. Many of us are splitting off to go to other locations within India or other countries (Goa, Nepal, Carola, and Paris). However, Paul and I decided to stay in Mumbai to meet the parents and friends of our dear friend Suma.   Our final two group stops: Leela Hotels (real estate) and Lend-a-Hand. For once, I made the early morning meeting time of 8:30 am. Except I didn’t, as Doggett wanted to transfer footage because he was leaving later in the afternoon. So technically,...