Filming Meagan and Cameron’s wedding was a fantastic experience. Meagan is a dear friend of mine from the University of Texas McCombs MBA Full-Time program Class of 2012 and one of the first people I recruited for my filming craziness. You may recognize her in most of my MBA videos, such as “Gettin’ My MBA,” “Doritos: Get Your Own,” and countless others. She is a regular super star.   Besides being ridiculously beautiful and an awesome bride to work with, Meagan is a beautiful person inside. She is always such a positive person and so willing to help out others....

Having attended and filmed several weddings, I know now, more than ever, that when I get married, I want to hire the best videographer there is out there to film my wedding. An experienced wedding videographer knows how to tell a story, capture important moments, despite stressful situations ranging from poor lighting to tight wedding schedules.     Most people think that the wedding ceremony is the most important part about a wedding. I would have to disagree.   I feel that the most important part about the wedding is the overall experience, from getting ready, to watching the nervous groom...

I am consistently amazed by how drastically the painting experience can change by simply increasing or decreasing the size of the canvas. This goes the same way with editing. For a bigger screen, camera shakiness, for example, becomes much more prominent and any imperfection is magnified. I have not edited as much for a big screen, mainly for the computer/Internet, so I notice these differences significantly and how they affect my overall editing experience.   When Aaron Lyons commissioned me to edit a 30-second piece for the Venture Labs Investment Competition (VLIC), to be displayed on the Nasdaq Tower in...

The last day of Comic-Con did not involve much Comic-Con. I had seen the panels I wanted to see, at least the ones I was willing to wait for, and had bought all the souvenirs I wanted to buy. So after volunteering, I spent only an hour before heading back to the hostel and giving one lucky guy a free badge for the rest of the day.   Instead of Comic-Con, I decided to go to the beach with Elsa without any camera. Of course I regretted the no camera decision once I arrived, so I took pictures with my...

I knew the Saturday lines and crowd capacity would be so insane that I spent the first part of my day avoiding them. I slept in, worked on my blog, and rolled into the Convention Center just in time for my shift at 1:00 pm.   My line management shift proved to me that I made the right decision. The lines were insane. Patience for me is not my strongest suit and I definitely do not understand how anyone can wait in line for 5 hours to see a 1-hour panel. That is total dedication! I guess if I had...

I started off the day with a few goals. 1.)  Find and meet the Wongfu Productions team 2.)  Find the batmobiles 3.)  Meet up with my friend Kelly Huddleston 4.)  Go out   I must say that I am very proud to have accomplished everything. It took some teamwork with Chris to do number 1 and 2, but I did it!   Anyway, the day started off with long lines. I learned very quickly that if you have an early morning shift like 10:30 am, they make you wait until 10:30 am to get your badge. As a result, if...