Day 4 (Epic Morning, Epic Sunrise, Epic History) Let’s start things off with a short treatment of my morning: Christine’s Epic Morning INT. ShangriLa Hotel Room – Morning 5:19 AM The room, clothed in darkness, echoes the DEEP SLUMBERING SOUNDS of two women, CAROLINE KOLB and CHRISTINE CHEN, peacefully sleeping in their hotel beds. Suddenly a KNOCK. CHRISTINE Uhhhh…. Did someone knock? MYSTERY PERSON Umm… it’s Paul. CHRISTINE SHITTTTT!!!!!!! CAROLINE!!!! SHITTT!! DID THE ALARM NOT GO OFF? CAROLINE Huh? CHRISTINE THE ALARM!! We’re supposed to be down at 5:30 AM or we’re going to miss the train!!!! CAROLINE F&%*! My...

Day 3  (Memories) nasal polyps treatment Another day, another 8 am wakeup call, but this time I arrived to breakfast on time and in business casual (which sucked).  Yesterday, our professor informed us that we would visit some unknown company and that our attire mattered considerably.  So, after shoveling down millions of beautiful breakfast calories and taking a bus trip, we found ourselves in front of a building that did not look like a company.  Before us stood the astonishingly pulchritudinous temple, Akshardham!!! (Shameless Word of the Day plug.)   What. A. Temple.  Elaborately carved sandstone of Indian gods, an opulent...

By entering into the SXSW Giveaway Contest you agree to the following rules and conditions.   Only one (1) prize will be awarded to one (1) person, company, or business (winner).  The prize will consist of five (5) three (3) to five (5) minute videos to be filmed, edited, and delivered before May 1, 2012. Rules:   1.  All videos must be filmed within in one (1) continuous five (5) hour session. 2.  On and off screen talent (i.e. actors, actresses, voice actors) is the responsibility of winner essay writers 3.  The finished products will all include a Moth to...

Day 2 (Business by day, terrified by night) Nothing quite describes the horribleness associated with an 8 am wakeup call when your body has not yet adjusted to a new time zone. (I know how I keep going on about passing out all the time, but it doesn’t seem to help.) Exquisite breakfast, however, makes all the difference, and I proceeded to casually stroll down in my travel attire to the eating area. Slightly behind schedule I might add, but who cares when delectable food abounds.   Apparently my classmates, dressed in business casual, had all prepared to visit the...

Day 1 Continued (India: Nothing like the movies) Additional Photos: Paul Pine   Despite arriving so early in the morning and having to wait six hours to check in to our hotel, Paul and I made a pact to explore Delhi instead of wasting an entire day recovering. Our first stop: the Delhi gate. Once we checked in and unloaded our stuff, we left the Fort Knox of Indian hotels. Seriously, their security far exceeded any TSA requirements. After passing through not one but two metal detectors, the thorough bag scanning station, and going through a painstakingly detailed vehicle check...

Surreal. The only way I can even begin to describe what I feel: Surreal. Other than that, no words come to mind. I remember how I responded to my professor when he told me that I had to experience India. “Absolutely not possible,” I replied given my current starving student/artist budget. He persisted by telling me that I could film for McCombs in exchange for a trip to India. “That would be amazing, but I’m not going to get my hopes up.” Even in the week before my scheduled, I almost drowned in the sea of midterms, papers, packing, and...

Want to see yourself and your friends at SXSW? Make sure to check back to this link regularly and share it with your friends and family! Teaser SXSW 2012 Day One at the SXSW 2012 Trade Show Day Two at the SXSW 2012 Trade Show should sound familiar because I worked with them a year ago, when I lived in LA for the summer of 2011 to do an internship at 20th Century Fox. It is a non-profit charity that my dear friend Nicolas Putnam started with his friend Joel Lyftogt to help raise awareness and money for testicular cancer research. Both Nic and Joel have had loved ones die from this deadly disease and as a way to cope with their losses as well as help others dealing with this same issue, they started this fantastic charity. The first video I did was...