Moth to Flame Films + super fresh uni = epic Though I never was successful at filming underwater, free diving, spearfishing, or really anything to do with the ocean… this was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. It is not every day that you have friends who are mermen, who will dive down to the bottom of the ocean to collect sea urchins so that you can fulfill a silly dream to eat fresh uni straight from the ocean. I had a blast. One of the biggest lessons I learned this summer is the need to relax...

One of the most amazing experiences I had was attempting to go spearfishing and to film while spearfishing, in California. Though I failed miserably, I got a chance to make Nicolas Putnam eat sea urchins from the ocean. I enjoyed them. He did not. It is all captured with my awesome camera. Stay tuned for part III next week.

Nic Putnam from Fat HamPster productions finally invited me to go spearfishing with him after I begged him to let me try filming the entire ordeal. We went to Palos Verdes for the day to test out Joel’s underwater camera. I also brought mine as well, but didn’t have an underwater casing so could only film from land. After a good 15 minutes, I quickly realized that I was rather horrible at swimming in the ocean, let alone filming at the same time. I gave up on the filming idea and ended up on back on the shore for the...

It has been an insane few weeks. Moth to Flame Films has projects up the wazoo and they keep coming! The biggest news is that we are 4 for 4 right now. This means that we have submitted 4 specs to Poptent and they have all been recognized. These are the following results: 1.”What is Happy to You?” – Purchased by Clinique 2. “Boss Don’t Take Checks” – 1st Place Editor’s Choice 3. “Just Married” – Honorable Mention 4. “Assemble Your Team” – Finalist This is a huge step for Moth to Flame Films… especially the purchase by Clinique. We...

SXSW was a blast. Moth to Flame Films also made an appearance at Shakespeare’s on 6th street with the Eagle Pritchard Murray Band. This was a special occasion because EPMB debuted their first music video, “Favorite Misery,” directed by Christine Chen, as well. Moth to Flame Films was there to document the entire performance, which was awesome. Be sure to check out the music video on the site. EPMB “Favorite Misery” Music Video These guys are fantastic musicians as well as fantastic people to be around. Everyone should definitely check out their stuff. We see a very bright future ahead...

Moth to Flame Films had the honor of working with two very inspirational women. Heather Alden, artist from Faded Paper Figures, and Hollywood actress, Michelle Faraone. Clinique wanted spec commercials that answered the question “What is Happiness to You?” I thought about this for a while and came up with the idea of interviewing women who enjoy what they do. My inspiration mainly came from my own experiences. I worked in corporate for 3 years and realized that  I could not go on in life half living. I took a risk and decided to pursue film making 100%. Ever since,...

Do you have the biggest balls of them all? Check out this video Moth to Flame did with During the last month of my time in LA, my life has been take over by a guy named Nic Putnam. He is an incredible filmmaker and now a great friend. I guess you really have to appreciate each other’s company in order to stand working with each other until 4 am for 15 hours straight, 5 to 7 days a week. Nic Putnam is from Fat HamPsters Productions as well as True Colors Productions. When I first figured out he...

Found this old Vlog that I totally forgot to post! My life has been going way too fast for me to keep up on updating my website and doing vlogs. I’m sorry Chris Jackson! Don’t be angry. Lots of new projects in the pipeline. Stay tuned. In the meantime check out these sweet behind the scenes photos from our set “Assemble Your Team”.

There are only two words to describe this commercial spec for Poptent Media. Pure Awesomeness… The idea for “Assemble Your Teams” came literally 7 days before the commercial spec due date. Christine Chen, Michelle Faraone, and Matt McCallum were sitting leisurely in Matt’s West Hollywood apartment when suddenly Matt said… “I have a great idea, but…” Three hours later and a lot of “We are crazy to do this in  7 days,” the team had already secured a group of talented cast members and were busy converting the interior of Matt’s apartment into 3 different film locations. RANDOM FACT: 3 ...