I decided to take the time to write this blog about Steve Jobs because of how much respect I have for this man. Rarely have I been affected by the death of someone who I did not know personally, like I have by that of Steve Jobs’s. I suppose if I think about it some more, I do know him personally. There is not a day that I go without using something that this brilliant man created. Steve Jobs is a technological innovator. He is also a significant figure in the film and entertainment world. He transformed the way the...

I have been M.I.A. from the social media space in a while because I have been running around shooting various spec commercials and a project for the University of Texas as well. It has been a good few months for Moth to Flame Films — just extremely hectic. My room looks like a tornado hit it and I look like I have been hit by a bus half of the time. School has been insane as well. Overall, crazy. Good crazy. Busy crazy. We released our Coors spec commercial, but unfortunately did not place as a finalist. About 2 weeks...

So this is not my typical video log. I haven’t done one in a while. School and filmmaking (and really anything non-school related) is really hard to balance. I am always torn between what has to be done and what I really want to get done. The best is when you get to combine what has to be done with what you really want to do, which in this case is making a video for one of my classes (Law & Ethics). In our class, my group had to present a case on child labor, so I decided to make...

Moth to Flame was invited by Skinny Cow to make a spec. Though we were not chosen as one of the finalists, I think we still did a pretty darn good job. Starring: Lesley Pedersen, Stephanie Quinn, Gina Gheller, and Cherry Whitten how to get your ex back Crew: Christine Chen (Director/Camera/Editor), Chris Jackson (Sound, PA) zp8497586rq

The first tailgate of the season for UT McCombs was epic. The food was great, the music was great, the game (was still great, though Rice lost), and most importantly the people were great. Great job to those who planned it. The increased tailgate price was definitely worth it. I dutifully supported my Rice compadres, but still wore some orange to show my support. UT definitely didn’t need any though. I was just there praying that Rice didn’t get crushed. My prayers unfortunately were not answered with UT winning 34 to 9. What a day. Go Rice Owls! Good job...

How do you know if a Coors Light Beer is cold? By the can? Nooo….. that’s so last year. Coming soon! Had a blast making this parody spec with these two goof balls, Nic Putnam and Dave Tressel. The funny part about this commercial is the fact that both Nic and Dave are directors themselves, so it was essentially a bunch of directors directing each other. We made a great team. Though, I must say… I can be bossy at times when I am trying to run a set. Nic and Dave made fun of me the entire time by...